Wednesday 25 March 2015

Igloo Discoveries #71 : Race Agains' igloo

Hey guys! So many great igloos on Club Penguin at the moment. Speaking of which, check out this pretty awesome igloo I found which was made by Race Agains. The igloo is an Underwater Kingdom and has some great features which you should check out. Here is the igloo :

Underwater Kingdom igloo by Race Agains!
What do you think of this igloo? Let me know in the comments with a rating /10 and any helpful suggestions so that Race Agains can improve his igloo.

Remember, if you want your igloo featured, just message me on YouTube or Twitter!


  1. Wow this is great! All the colors match and this outline is great! 9.7/10 AMAZING JOB!

  2. Typo you said So many great igloo on Club Penguin at the moment. Igloo needs to be plural.

  3. This is incredible... so neat too! I really don't see anything wrong with it... so I'm gonna have to give it a 10/10! Great job, Race Agains!

  4. To Race Agains:
    wat does your name mean


    I'm not a fan of the trees because it basically divides the igloo into 4 different "igloo ideas" (sections)
