Saturday 6 September 2014


Have you by any chance looked to the right yet?? That's right, we achieved 100 THOUSAND BLOG VIEWS! That is really amazing and when I started this website I didn't expect anything to take off like this. It has been a long journey, almost one year, and I got to share it with some amazing people - the authors past and present who have shown their support and appreciation but also YOU, the readers, who continue to visit to get inspired and learn from us like we are doing too. Thank you!

I also managed to capture the 100K screenshot when I logged on this morning as the total stood at 99,999! And here it is :

As usual, I design a special poster for every 10k views we receive, here is the latest :

This news is fantastic as it is also our 1 year anniversary month, stay posted for 26th September :)


  1. for freaks sake are we going to have a party or no!?

  2. Woohoo! This is such an amazing achievement, congrats Harry! Thanks for letting me be an author all this time :)

  3. Pretty awesome how you were able to capture exactly 100,000 page views.

  4. Wow that's amazing I only joined in early 2014 but I'm glad to help reach the goal and please you all with igloos :3 cheesy af but whatever thanks harry & viewers

  5. Also coincidence much that a LilxHarry support video goes up and we reach 100k views hmmm

  6. Congratulationssssss (mario's right :P)
